Rodarte to take a stab at movies

Left: Rodarte Fall 2009; Centre and Right: Rodarte Fall 2008. Photography by Peter Stigter

With clothing dripping in inspiration from cult horror films, Rodarte ( design duo/sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy may have a movie debut in their future.  The team credits “Dawn of the Dead” and “Hellraiser” as a couple of favourites from the gorey genre. Beverly Hills-based William Morris Endeavor Entertainment has signed Rodarte, according to WME, stating that it plans to “advise the label on opportunities in film and identify potential strategic partnerships.”

Rodarte’s Fall 2009 line features pale grey straightjacket meets wrap dress ensembles à la Frankenstein or Edward Scissorhands, never forgetting the romantic nature and sadness of the monster, desperate only for love and companionship. [WWD]

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