Runway to Real Life: 5 easy steps to recreate Jonathan Saunders’ Miami Beach-inspired cat eye

Left: Jonathan Saunders Spring 2012 photography by Peter Stigter. Right: Photography and makeup by Dallas Curow. Model: Adriane/Folio Montreal.

When creating his Spring 2012 collection, Jonathan Saunders had an unlikely muse: chemically sedated Miami housewives from the ’50s. His models, clad in full skirts of Floridian pastels, sauntered down the runway with bronzed skin and flesh-toned lips. It was makeup artist Lucia Pieroni’s bold use of an oversized cat eye, however, that had beauty editors swooning.

By starting with a sunny glow, bringing some drama to the eyes, and slicking on a creamy nude lipstick, you can channel Saunders’ South Beach chic with just five products!

Here’s how to do it! »

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