Runway to Real Life: Easy tips to help you master Moschino’s smoky eye makeup!

Left: Moschino Spring 2012 photography by Peter Stigter. Right: Photography and makeup by Dallas Curow. Model: Adriane/Folio Montreal.

Inspired by Spain’s rich cultural traditions and mythologies, Moschino’s Spring 2012 collection definitely brought the drama. Models sashayed with toreador swagger, wearing ruffled dresses, jingling gold bells and even donning bullfighter hats. Makeup artist Tom Pecheux dreamed up a look that was a tribute to Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, anchored by a strong brow, dramatic smoky eyes and contoured cheeks. The smudginess of the eyes had a painterly quality that was a perfect accompaniment to the vivid collection.

Since the classic black smoky eye is essentially the makeup equivalent of a little black dress, this is a great and wearable look for any special event. We’ll share some tips and tricks for creating a Moschino-worthy version that will stay put all night long.

Learn how to do the smoky eye! »

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