Scarlett Johansson Says Ivanka Trump Isn’t Just ‘Complicit,’ She’s a ‘Coward’

“Complicit” isn’t the only word Scarlett Johansson is using to bash Ivanka Trump. Now, she’s throwing “old-fashioned,” “uninspired” and “cowardly” into the mix.

ICYMI: In an SNL sketch last month, Johansson put forth her best Ivanka impression in a spoof perfume ad for a scent called “Complicit” (“the fragrance for the woman who can stop all this but won’t”). The First Daughter addressed the popular parody sketch in an interview with CBS, where she spoke to the definition of complicit and her backstage role in the Trump administration.

“I don’t know what it means to be complicit,” Ivanka Trump said, “but, you know, I hope time will prove that I have done a good job and, much more importantly, that my father’s administration is the success that I know it will be.”

Uhm, OK. Does the White House not have a dictionary Ivanka can use? Merriam-Webster stepped up to share in the shade-throwing.

Needless to say, Johansson was not impressed with Ivanka’s less-than-solid defense. In an interview yesterday at the Women In The World Summit, she told Arianna Huffington, “I was so disappointed in that interview.”

“It was kind of baffling, I have to say,” the Ghost in the Shell star said. “It was really baffling. You can’t have it both ways, right? If you take a job as a public advocate, then you must advocate publicly, right?”

“She said the biggest change she would make was behind closed doors. Well, I thought to myself, that’s empowering,” she continued sarcastically. “How old fashioned. This idea that behind a great man is a great woman. How about being next to them?”

The actress was one of the many famous faces we’ve seen at the front of the Trump resistance. At the Women’s March in Washington in January, she spoke publicly about the key female issues that are at risk in today’s political climate. As an outspoken advocate, Johansson has a word of advice for Ivanka Trump—and for anyone with access to a platform for change.

“She has an opportunity to make an impact just by being vocal,” she said.

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