Sean Spicer Responds to Melissa McCarthy’s SNL Impression

Sean Spicer was not as impressed with Melissa McCarthy’s SNL skit as the rest of the world.

The White House press secretary spoke to Extra at the Super Bowl on Sunday about McCarthy’s tightly wound impression of him – he thinks she went too far.

Spicer finds the comedian “could dial back” a bit, adding that she “needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.”

The surprise skit quickly erupted on the Internet, leading Spicer to find out about it when he received an explosion of text messages while leaving church Sunday.

Although he finds the show to usually be quite funny, the impression was too exaggerated for his tastes.

The Ghostbusters star entertained the audience with her classic suit and tie and her loud delivery of an uptight Spicer at a press conference. She began with a warning before taking questions from the audience.

“Before we begin, I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start,” she shouted.

“When I say ‘rocky start,’ I mean it in the sense of ‘Rocky’ the movie because I came out here to punch you in the face.”

McCarthy’s Spicer proceeded to squirt the audience with a water gun, accidentally tell reporters his email address, scold them and yell for a bit over seven minutes.

“Now I’d like to begin today by apologizing on behalf of you to me for how you have treated me these last two weeks, and that apology is not accepted. Because I’m not here to be your buddy. I’m here to swallow gum and I’m here to take names,” McCarthy said, proceeding to pour an entire box of gum into her mouth.

The skit followed Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of Donald Trump that Spicer describes as now “crossed over to mean.”

“Alec has gone from funny to mean, and that’s unfortunate. SNL used to be really funny. There’s a streak of meanness now that they’ve crossed over to mean.”

The post Sean Spicer Responds to Melissa McCarthy’s SNL Impression appeared first on FASHION Magazine.