See Ya, Thigh Gap: These 3 Instagram Trends Are the Total Opposite

Thigh brows like… ??#poolday #sunday #thighbrows #weekend #pizza

A photo posted by Keegan Winfield (@keegsmarie) on

By now we know that scrolling through our Facebook or Instagram accounts is the anti-pick-me-up, as research shows that we perceive our own lives to be worse than those of our “friends,” who are just having the best. time. ever and looking drop-dead gorgeous doing it. We keep our phones close by and scroll and post and repeat to our heart’s content anyways. But thanks to celebs embracing imperfection in our bodies (all hail Lena Dunham, J.Law., Amy Schumer, et al.), a body-positivity movement has translated to our Instagram accounts—and our thighs.

Sure, there will always be those people who use the platform to flaunt it (and really, if you’ve got it…), and one could argue that any time we post a photo of our bodies, we are not only objectifying ourselves, but also making somebody else feel bad about who they are. But then there are those who legit want other women to feel good about themselves, whether they’ve got stretch marks, cellulite or some extra pounds. Despite the conflicting thoughts I have on this, I’m always up for less body shaming and more body love, so here are three anti-thigh-gap movements on our radar.

OK, so everything mermaid is hot right now (nails, fitness, crowns), so why not legs that resemble mermaid fins? Strange, but hey, we’re all for letting our thighs touch.

So this one started trending to show that if you have ample hips, when you sit your thigh creases create crescents that make your thighs look like they have eyebrows. Hmm…

#thighbrow #thighbrows

A photo posted by Hannah Gardner ? (@hannahbeetroot) on

And if palm reading isn’t up your alley, perhaps reading the meaning behind stretch your marks is? Sign me up! I’d love to know.

Hi stretchies?? #thighreading is a reminder that everyone is beautiful!

A photo posted by Lauren (@laurmarie_12) on

The post See Ya, Thigh Gap: These 3 Instagram Trends Are the Total Opposite appeared first on FASHION Magazine.