September 2015 horoscopes: Why everyone seriously needs to chill out this month


Happy Virgo season, everyone. This is such a beautiful time of year in both hemispheres because it is about turning, transition, and collection. With this season and the way September marks a certain new year, we sometimes tend to develop a certain level of anxiety, and fall into a pressure that we are not good enough or haven’t done enough in the year that has passed. Instead of going down that road, let September be a time when you collect the pieces of what has passed, and assemble a whole and complete picture.

We live in a very goal and progress-oriented world, but sometimes the most satisfaction comes from turning to what is already with us and letting it inform our direction. Consider how you can find more wholeness, without the many aspects of your life becoming scattered. Whatever may have happened for you through the Venus retrograde in August, you will have a chance when it finishes now on the 6th to re-evaluate what you can let go of from that difficult time and what will be helpful to move forward with. It may not have been what you expected. Mercury will also go retrograde on the 17th, and this is a time to slow down, pause, and redirect your focus a little more inwardly. Take time to journal, meditate, clean your house, and make lists of everything you will do once Mercury goes direct, but don’t need to do right now. Hold off on major life decisions until the tides change in October.

Illustrations by Stefanie Ayoub. Horoscopes by Aerin Fogel. For personal birth chart consultations, visit Aerin’s website.


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