Shooting for gold: In New York with Advanced Style’s Ari Seth Cohen

Since moving to New York a few years back, photographer Ari Seth Cohen has become quite the ladies man. Old ladies, that is. Cohen is the genius behind the blog, Advanced Style, which documents the city’s most stylish and unique ladies who are mostly 60 and over. Breathing new life into the way we see beauty and style, Cohen’s subjects all communicate the message that style really does ripen with age. While in New York last weekend, I had the chance to follow along with Cohen on a day of shooting. What I thought would be a day of random scouting, turned out to be more like a scheduled wrangling of Cohen’s besties. From the 99-year-old Ruth on Park Avenue to the 63-year-old Tziporah on Riverside Drive, the styles and insights of these ladies will have you grinning from ear to ear.

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