Sneak peek: Calla Haynes releases a video teaser for her spring show

The Toronto-born, Paris-based print master Calla Haynes ( is presenting her Spring 2011 collection in Paris next week. As a show invite, the designer, who’s worked with Jeremy Laing and Olivier Theyskens (at Nina Ricci), created a teaser video with creative consulting pair Lisa Rovner and Alice Heart of Message is the Medium. The video uses vintage footage–something of a signature for Message is the Medium–of a gun-toting femme blasting paint pellets against a splattered wall. Viewed through the Calla logo, the clip gives you only enough for an impression, a glimpse that brings to mind Haynes’ vibrant, yet somehow still quiet, prints.

See more of our coverage of the Spring 2011 collections»

EARLIER: Calla Haynes: The mistress of digital prints goes solo

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