SNP’s word of the day: Blondetourage

Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

Word: Blondetourage

Meaning: A group of blondes. God, even a blonde could figure that out. Kidding, kidding, kidding!

Usage: “Farrah and Ashley—known on Rock of Love Bus as the charter members of “The Blondetourage”—are stripping together, as a team.” — “Rock of Love Girls: Where Are They Now?” on Jezebel

You should know it because: I have a whole menagerie of pet theories, mostly unsubstantiated by Pew studies or Wikipedia entries, but at least 85 per cent real to me nonetheless. One of them—and you can feel free to disagree with me in the comments, (which I never read) or on Twitter—is that girls of a similar hair colour flock together. Blondes have more fun… with other blondes. Redheads are kindred with other redheads. Brunettes only take other brunettes seriously. And that’s just white girls!

Last night I was at a party and noticed, again, that blondes paired off while brunettes huddled. I hung with the brunettes, and my friend Natalie said: “Good. I’m sick of all the blondetourages.” Even when I was peroxiding the eff out of my hair (which I still half am), I naturally gravitated toward darker icons (look at this list of “girl crushes” I made for the B-Insider as proof).

It’s silly, but true-ish: television shows and movies try to cast girls with different hair hues as BFFs, but reality shows (from whence blondetourage originated, I think) exaggerate the social tendency to stick with our own stereotypes.

The post SNP’s word of the day: Blondetourage appeared first on FASHION Magazine.