SNP’s word of the day: Diefenbaby

Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

Word: Diefenbaby

Meaning: The possible illegitimate son of John Diefenbaker.

Usage: “Diefenbaby believes ex-PM’s brain could yield clues” — actual headline

You should know it because: A man named John Dryden, who really does look something like John Diefenbaker, claims that the erstwhile, late prime minster is his birth daddy. He’s been on this trail for some time: at the end of last year, DNA tests proved inconclusive, but the “Diefenbaby” (as he’s been tagged by the media) swore he’d never give up. Now he believes that Diefenbaker’s brain was removed at autopsy and stored in formaldehyde. Naturally, he wants to find it, believing the Diefenbaker Centre either has the brain or knows who does. And guys, you can laugh/not care, but this is the most interesting thing to happen in Canadian politics since Justin Trudeau swore. Think of the magnificent secrets the Diefenbrain might contain. Why was the Avro Arrow project really cancelled? Why are the Maple Leafs so bad at hockey? Who shot JFK?? There’s only one way to reveal these truths (and more) for once and for all: put that brain on Maury.

The post SNP’s word of the day: Diefenbaby appeared first on FASHION Magazine.