SNP’s word of the day: Drunkorexia

Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

Word: Drunkorexia

Meaning: A condition—perhaps more of a phenomenon—in which one eats less in order to drink more without exceeding a restrictive calorie count.

Usage: “Drunkorexia doesn’t fit many of the party-hardy stereotypes of campus drinking, for one major reason: the majority of drunkorexics are women.” — Globe and Mail

You should know it because: This bulls**t affliction was all over the news yesterday, as a University of Missouri study confirmed what anyone who’s ever been friends with more than one female already knows: girls—especially girls in post-secondary school—don’t want to gain weight, and they do want to drink. Two wrongs don’t make a right (not that striving for a healthy weight is wrong, or that drinking is wrong, just… moderation, you know?) but they do make “drunkorexia.” Of course, males can be drunkorexics too, but we all know that girls are by far—so far—the primary sufferers of appearance-related disorders.

The post SNP’s word of the day: Drunkorexia appeared first on FASHION Magazine.