SNP’s word of the day: Seraph

Seraph illustration by Lewis Mirrett
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

Word: Seraph

Meaning: Literally “burning ones,” and refers to six-winged celestial beings in the Bible, which circled the throne, or something.

Usage: “Maidens like moths, are ever caught by glare, and Mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair” — Lord Byron

You should know it because: Victoria’s Secret fashion show tonight!! Who’s excited? Well, FASHION‘s Sarah Casselman might be; she’s attending, so stay tuned for her tweets from @FashionCanada. My own feelings are… mixed. I like Wim Wenders (see: Wings of Desire) as much as the next half-German romantic, but I hate this angel/slut complex that still defines women in popular culture. And Victoria’s Secret, with their naughty, oiled-up Angels parading down the runway in directional lingerie, seems bent on proving that pop culture is stuck on the old angel/slut complex as a way of defining/trapping women. And not just stuck, but like, celebrating it in this massive super-explicit way.

Anyway, the flame-tinged word “seraph” is a better word than mere “angel,” given that Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Adriana Lima, et al are nothing if not… on fire. We can pretty much all agree on that.

The post SNP’s word of the day: Seraph appeared first on FASHION Magazine.