SNP’s word of the day: Sh*t

Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

Word: Sh*t

Meaning: Literally, feces; exclamatorily, an expression of disgust or annoyance.

Usage: “You piece of sh*t!” — Justin Trudeau to Peter Kent in the House of Commons yesterday

You should know it because: Justin Trudeau has been trending all night long thanks to his four-letter fail in Parliament, during Question Period, when he interrupted the Minister of Environment to volubly compare him to a portion of human excrement. Actually, the human part is debatable. Of course, LIKE A GIRL, he duly and immediately apologized in front of the cameras, albeit wearing a Johnny Depp–level smirk as he exaggerated his remorse. But what’s to regret? Was it really a fail? For one, sh*t’s not that foul a word; it’s gender-neutral and common to the point of silliness. There’s a Twitter account and a (cancelled) show named Sh*t My Dad Says, and now a(n awesome) Twitter account and (even more awesome) YouTube show named Sh*t Girls Say. This sh*t gets shown on major TV networks. And in February, Obama accidentally appeared to say “sh*t” while defending his 2012 budget.

More importantly, Peter Kent is a piece of sh*t, and let’s not forget it. On Monday, he announced that Canada is pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol; this, at a time when nearly every other industrialized and developing country is realizing the importance of not letting our planet go to sh*t. In yesterday’s Question Period, whilst getting sh*t from NDP environment critic Megan Leslie, he began to defend himself by saying “Well, if you were in Durban,” Durban being the site of the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Only sh*tty little problem here? The Harper government had banned Leslie, along with all non-government MPs, from attending. So yeah. Justin Trudeau should have perhaps said “You’re being a piece of sh*t,” but he should not have apologized. His father, for one, wouldn’t have given a sh*t.

The post SNP’s word of the day: Sh*t appeared first on FASHION Magazine.