Sochi 2014 Uniforms: The best Olympic getups from around the world

Sochi 2014 Uniforms Team France

See some of our favourite Sochi 2014 uniforms »

Every two years, we humble plebes are reminded what is possible when we opt for the gym over a Scandal marathon. Olympians impress us with the kind of crazy skills we couldn’t rival in our wildest dreams but we usually have them beat on one account: fashion. Olympics past have brought out berets of shame and knockoffs, but so far, it looks like the tide might just be turning. Could a seriously stylish Sochi 2014 be ahead?

After being criticized for outsourcing its wares for the London 2012 Olympics, Ralph Lauren added the tagline “Made in America” to Team USA’s uniforms, which match alpine chicness with prep appeal. Hudson Bay’s point blanket jacket was an obvious inspiration for the pea coat and the white sweatpants are an odd choice for an official look. But on the whole, we give it two thumbs up.

The notoriously hip Swedes will be riding in style, outfitted in H&M’s chic sportswear collection for the games. The navy and cobalt blue Olympic pieces are accented with a shot of yellow, which avoids a patriotic overload while keeping trendy and wearable.

Team Russia focused on traditional folk textiles and patterns for its gear, bringing a softer side of Russian heritage to the forefront. Produced by Bosco, a Russian sporting goods manufacturer, the collection features everything from branded dog shirts to speedos.

Designer Willy Bogner is the brains behind Team Germany’s cheerful Adidas uniforms. Rumoured to be a protest against Russia’s anti-gay policies, are perfectly fashion-forward—politics or no politics.

While many of the countries are keeping their outfits under wraps until the opening ceremony, we can’t wait to see the rest of the world shows up in. Who says you can’t be athletic and stylish?

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