Social Media Star: LookBook blogger Lisa Dengler on architecture school, apps and fashion fanaticism

Lisa Dengler

Each Friday, we’ll be profiling one of our favourite movers and shakers on social media. From the pop-up power of Pinterest to the beautifully crafted images on Instagram, we’re learning the tricks of the trade from the ladies that do it best (and most stylishly, of course).

On her blog, Lisa Dengler describes herself as “just another girl in just another blogging world.” We beg to differ. The Toronto-based, full time architecture student has a notably strong presence on just about every social media platform imaginable, namely her LookBook page, which boasts a cool 14,500+ fans. A fashion fanatic, Dengler cites LookBook as a great way to connect with people who have the same interests as you. “I loved the idea of everyday people inspiring other everyday people,” she says.

With 315 outfits to date on her LookBook page, Lisa Dengler tributes the personal style photography site as the source of various brand collaborations she’s had the fortune of working on. She also credits the social media platform with inspiring her to start her own fashion blog, adding “it’s been a wonderful ride ever since”. Although Dengler’s other commitments, of the academic and fashion-blogger sort, take up much of her time, she still tries to post around 6 outfits a week on her LookBook page. You have to wonder: when does she sleep?

We caught up with the stylish blogger for our Social Media Star feature.

How important is it to be consistent with your LookBook updates considering you have so many?
I try to post an outfit 6 days a week, not just on LookBook, but on my blog as well. Because so many people use LookBook, it’s a great way for people to see what you’re wearing and then to get the traffic back to your blog. Obviously there are times where it’s not always possible – during deadlines or trips – but I do try to be as consistent as possible.

What initially motivated you to start a LookBook account?
I had loved the idea of everyday people inspiring other everyday people. It seemed like such a good way to connect with other people who had the same interests as you, and it was always so great to get positive feedback from other people! LookBook pushed me to start my own fashion blog, and it’s been a wonderful ride ever since.

Your LookBook photos depict you as a fashion fanatic but the bio on your blog says that you’re an architecture student. Have you ever though about working in fashion?
I actually am planning on working in fashion once I’ve finished my degree next month (yay!). Architecture was a great learning experience for me and without having pursued it, I don’t think I would have landed on my current path. I actually ended up taking a year off to start my own interactive fashion magazine for the iPad, then I did an internship on the more business side of fashion, which I loved, and so now I’m just finishing my final semester, looking for a fashion-related job in the fall.

What designers and trends are you loving right now?
I could probably talk about this for ages. I love anything and everything sportswear, white everything, denim everything, the whole boyish/boyfriend look, head-to-toe in the same print, flats (yes Birkenstocks included, though I have yet to try that out myself), shirts tied around your waist, sneakers with everything, red as a pop of colour to any look. In terms of designers, it’s constantly changing for me. I love 3.1 Phillip Lim, Alexander Wang, Stella McCartney, Balmain, Acne, Saint Laurent, Chloe, Derek Lam, Jason Wu, Thakoon Addition, Theyskens’ Theory, Valentino, Balenciaga, Burberry Prorsum, Celine, The Row…I could go on forever.

How would you describe your personal style? Are you influenced by other LookBook members?
My personal style is all about focusing on the little details, and creating outfits that are comfortable but at the same time unique, without being overwhelmingly so. The base of my look is usually pretty basic, and then I add items that make it more special, like a hat, or a colourful bag, or some more interesting shoes. I like mixing casual elements with dressed up elements, creating a contrast of some sort in each look. I’m definitely inspired by other LookBook members and other bloggers. I follow about 80 other blogs, which I read every morning when I wake up, and every evening before going to bed! I love to be inspired, and I think it’s important as a blogger to stay up to speed on everything that’s going on, because trends do change on a day-to-day basis!

Do you think your style has evolved since you first started posting on LookBook?
Oh most definitely! I’m sometimes embarrassed to see what I was wearing two years ago, sometimes even two weeks ago! My style is constantly changing and constantly evolving, especially since you feel the need to be wearing something relatively different from the day before, so there’s this constant changing to try and be unique and to keep inspiring your readers.

Has the app for iPhones changed the LookBook experience?
To be honest, I’ve only opened the app once. If I want to be inspired on my phone, I’ll open Instagram. I find the LookBook site much easier to use than the app, and much more graphically appealing. (I’m very particular on how things are designed thanks to architecture school…)

We notice you wear a lot of Topshop. Would you consider that your favourite brand? What other brands do you favour?
I do wear a lot of Topshop! Also a lot of Zara and H&M Trend. They are my favorite places to shop at this stage of my life, because they offer very fashionable pieces at affordable prices.

What do you think of LookBook as a networking tool? Have you had any opportunities presented that you think your LookBook account helped to facilitate?
Oh, yea, LookBook is great for networking! It’s actually my second biggest referral site for my blog traffic. A lot of the brands that approach me to collaborate are through LookBook, because it’s so easy for them to see so many different bloggers on one site.

You also have a great following on Instagram, how do you use Instagram differently from LookBook?
I actually love using Instagram! It’s more of a snapshot experience of your life. People like seeing what you’re up to, and it’s a much more candid view of you and your style. I mean, I do post my outfits on Instagram as well, but that’s in between photos of what I’m eating, or my shoes dancing, or my cat, etc. Plus, since it’s so small on your screen, people will go on my blog, or LookBook, etc. if they want to see the look in more detail.

The post Social Media Star: LookBook blogger Lisa Dengler on architecture school, apps and fashion fanaticism appeared first on FASHION Magazine.