Solid Gold dancer takes credit for the no-pants trend

What you'll be wearing this spring. Photo via Darcel's Facebook
What you'll be wearing this spring. Photo via Darcel's Facebook

We have some hazy memories of sitting on our mom’s ’70s-brown couch watching Solid Gold. Mostly we remember the sax-heavy theme song, Wayland Flowers and his puppet Madame, and of course, the Solid Gold Dancers, who would writhe around on circular platforms to the top 10 hits while wearing metallic Lycra. Darcel Wynne, who was the principal dancer for five of the show’s eight seasons, recently gave an interview to blogger Auntie Fashion where she revealed that she is the inspiration for the coming barrage of pantsless fashions.

“Auntie Fashion: Thanks to celebrities like Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Shakira, fashion is having a “pantsless” moment.  Unitards, tights and bodysuits are de rigueur.  People attribute this fad to a lot of different sources, but I can’t think of anyone who wore pants less often than you.  Would you say that fashion is having a “Darcel” moment?  Are you surprised that you’re a trendsetter twenty-five years after the fact?

Darcel: Yes.  Fashion is definitely having a “Darcel” moment.  The 80s are back, I’m back and I’m having a panty moment right now.  And I’m still glad I can get into some panties.  No, I am not surprised that I am a trendsetter.  Anything that is good and unique never leaves and just gets better — better than before.  What goes around comes around.”

So there you go–you can sign up for Darcel’s Facebook page and blame or thank her as you see fit. Read the rest of the interview at the link to find out how you become a lead dancer, the braid and nail maintenance involved in that endeavor and why she would never try out for So You Think You Can Dance. [Auntie Fashion]

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