Sweet sweet manicure, baby! Mariah Carey is doing a collection of OPI nail polishes

It looks as though 2013 is gearing up to be a big year for Mariah Carey and her little lambs. First the five-octave diva inked a deal with American Idol—making her the highest paid judge on reality television—and now OPI has announced that Mimi will serve as the inspiration for a line of limited-edition polishes that will launch in January 2013. We’ll concede that Carey’s fashion sense has had some seriously questionable moments, but since we are fans of the unapologetic diva circa her Fantasy days, we’ll give the Mariah-inspired lacquer a try. And because it’s OPI, we’re certain the polish names are bound to put a smile on our face—may we suggest “Butterfly Tears” for a pink, sparkly number?

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