FASHION Magazine

  • The culture club: 6 expert tips for art-worthy vacation snaps

    The Culturites are currently aboard the Silver Spirit, Silversea Cruises’ newest ship. First port of call was Venice, followed by Croatia and Greece. So far we can’t complain given we have a butler looking after our every whim, 24 hour room service, Frette linens, an in-room entertainment system featuring hundreds of complimentary movies on demand, champagne around the clock and 5-star cuisine. (You can follow our adventure at

    One thing we can’t leave home without when travelling are our Canon PowerShot cameras, but what we’ve learned from past experience is that snapshots are one thing, good documentary photos from your trip are another.

    So before we set sail, we asked our dear friend and one of our city’s most talented young photographers (who just shot one Culturite’s wedding in Bahamas), Tory Zimmerman (, to give us six tips to help us capture the best for our (and your) travel photography collection:

    Don’t take photos—make photos! Play around with your camera’s manual settings and get to know its pre-programmed ones.  Most digital cameras (even point and shoots) have exposure settings you can play with, have manual focus allocation points and settings that you can employ. Try the sepia toning, try underexposing, try longer exposures. Don’t let the camera be the brain–you can make your own decisions!

  • Editors’ picks: Holiday wardrobes

    If you’re lucky enough to be spending the holidays soaking up sun or hitting the slopes, right now you’re probably starting to plan your wardrobe. Our editors put together a packing list for their favourite holiday destinations–from the beach to the city to a cozy cabin. Click the images below to see their picks: Cabin […]

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