Tavi Gevinson has just added actress (and singer!) to her resume. And no big deal, Neil Young and Kathy Bates are involved

As if editing her online magazine Rookie, attending runway shows, and being a full-time high school sophomore wasn’t enough, Tavi Gevinson has just added film actress (and singer!) to her repertoire.

Gevinson narrates and co-stars in Jonah D. Ansell’s latest animated short, Cadaver, about two medical students who open up a cadaver only to realize he’s come back to life to mend his broken heart. Of course it’s just as eccentric as the blogger’s style—it has the rhyming scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet and Oscar winner Kathy Bates playing the thread (yes, the thread) that sews up the cadaver.

The trailer features the blogger singing a goosebump-worthy rendition of Neil Young’s “Heart of Gold” (which we will definitely be downloading on iTunes). This is a huge deal considering Young almost never allows covers of his songs. Gevinson is continually proving that she’s a sartorial braniac (remember her BBC interview earlier this month?) and quite frankly we can’t get enough of her. Something tells us this is going to become one of our favourites.

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