The 12 best, worst and weirdest attempts at hiding baby bumps on TV shows

hiding pregnancy on tv

Our jaws collectively dropped to floor when we found out earlier today that not only is Alexis Bledel a mom, but the Gilmore Girls star has been a mom since last fall. Talk about a well-hidden pregnancy!

While we’re certainly happy for the new mom and her hubby Vincent Kartheiser, we can’t help but wonder, would her pregnancy have been as well-concealed if she were still playing her character Rory Gilmore?

Celebs over the years have tried (and failed) to hide their bun in the oven while portraying non-pregnant characters on TV (here’s looking at you, Courteney Cox!). And while Hollywood’s seemingly endless list of cheap tricks and cover-up stints are sometimes clever, others are downright hilarious. From loose fitting clothing to useless props to binge-eating characters, here are some of the most memorable ways celebs have tried to hide their pregnancies on TV.

The post The 12 best, worst and weirdest attempts at hiding baby bumps on TV shows appeared first on FASHION Magazine.