The 20 Most Insane (and Disgusting) Beauty Tutorials on YouTube

YouTube is arguably the best thing to ever happen to beauty gurus. Just ask our cover girl, Michelle Phan, who created a multi-million business from her tutorials. And we’re endlessly thankful for YouTube makeup tutorials. From mastering a cat eye to contouring, we’ve certainly learned a lot from Youtube.

However, we’ve also got great examples of what not to do with makeup. Surely, none of us really need to be told not to cake on 100 layers of foundation on our faces, but for those who are intrigued by what that would actually look like, you don’t need to search very hard to see find of the grossest makeup tutorials imaginable. If you think you can stomach them, click below to see them in all of their horrific glory.

The post The 20 Most Insane (and Disgusting) Beauty Tutorials on YouTube appeared first on FASHION Magazine.