The 5 most amazing fashion podcasts to tune in to now

If video killed the radio star, podcasts are its superhuman reincarnation. Even though they’ve been around for a decade, it seems that the advent of Serial last fall was what really propelled podcasts into mainstream consciousness (see: SNL parody). It was that collective “aha!” moment—like, why haven’t we been listening to these all along? You can fold your laundry while learning something new, file your taxes to a charming interview, or even lol your way through an arduous morning commute (sure, you might look crazy, but at least you won’t be bored!)

These days, everyone and their grandma seems to have a pod—whether you’re interested in dissecting the botoxed tendencies of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or want to listen to people talk about Drake doing Drake things (seriously, this is an actual show), there’s a program out there for you!

The latest maven to hop on the bandwagon is Leandra Medine, one Man Repeller, who this week appeared on her site’s inaugural podcast, titled “Oh Boy” (hosted by MR videographer, Jay Buim— who is, in fact, male). Candidly discussing her upbringing in NYC and how she fell into fashion, the 40 minute episode provides an interesting, behind-the-scenes look at one of the fashion industry’s most unique voices.

Which got us thinking about some of the other voices that we enjoy buzzing in our ears. Check out our top picks for podcasts you should probably be listening to below!

1. American Fashion
Catering to the true fashion nerd, this pod delves into the nitty-gritty of the biz, analyzing issues like sustainable manufacturing and wearable tech. Featuring some of the top purveyors of the American garment industry, this program is sure to sate your appetite for insider knowledge.

2. Unbuttoned
Mr. Joe Zee hosts, discussing current industry events, from TV show style to Oscar politics, with prominent names like (former) DKNY PR Girl Aliza Licht and Rosie Assoulin. As an added dose of entertainment, each episode wraps up with a stylish and salacious game of Cards Against Fashion Humanity.

3. Chanel Fashion
The ultimate in backstage access, this video pod features exclusive clips showcasing the inner workings of the legendary house. Sit front row next Kristen Stewart and take in the runway spectacle as effervescent designs glide down the runway—all from the comfort of your bed!

4. Whistling in the Dark
Shannon Fitzgerald, Emmy-nominated TV exec, takes to the airwaves to chat with a medley of pop culture players, including the likes of celebrities, producers, authors, media personalities, et al, addressing topics like how to build a media empire and achieve a healthy work/life balance.

5. Love and Radio
Although not technically a fashion pod, Love and Radio examines an eclectic range of subjects, encompassing everything from catcalling to political uprisings. An informative listen that has a little something for everyone.

The post The 5 most amazing fashion podcasts to tune in to now appeared first on FASHION Magazine.