The Best Moments From the Ocean’s 8 Press Tour

Though we’ll have to wait until next month to see the all-female instalment of the Ocean’s saga, Ocean’s 8, we will get to see the cast a whole lot in the next while. The superstar ensemble has started their press tour for the movie, and it’s everything that we hoped it would be. Turns out when you put A-lists like Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling and Anne Hathaway together, an all-powerful girl squad forms. Here are the best moments (so far) from the Ocean’s 8 press tour.

When Sandra Bullock did an (Awesome) Sarah Paulson Impression

Photography via YouTube/TheEllenShow

During Ellen’s game “Burning Questions,” Sandra Bullock did an uncanny impression of Sarah Paulson, who was on the Ellen DeGeneres Show just days before. Paulson pulled that face to show Ellen how she felt on the Met Gala red carpet (she also told Ellen how she’s pretty sure that her and Rihanna are friends).

When Sandra Bullock Bought Everyone Milkshakes 

SRSLY. Sandy brought shakes. ️️️ #Oceans8

A post shared by Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on

Press tours involve a lot of long days on set, answering a lot of the same questions (what is it like to be a woman in comedy, Mindy?). Lucky for this gang, their ring-leader Sandra Bullock brought them some milkshakes for a pick-me-up. It looks like they were well-received too. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Anne Hathaway so happy!

When They (Attempted) to Play “Never Have I Ever”

The whole group (minus Rihanna) went over to BuzzFeed to play a game of “Never Have I Ever” and hilarity ensued. Sandra Bullock asked her costars some crime-related questions and we got to know a lot about this well-minted celebrities (spoiler alert: everyone except Mindy asked Rihanna to hang out after shooting). The cast then had a really hard time pronouncing Matthew McConaughey, which led to literal tears.

 When Sarah Paulson did a Great Dolphin Impression 

On The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Paulson revealed her creepily accurate impression of a dolphin. Last time Paulson was on Fallon, she showed off her impression abilities by giving us her rendition of multiple celebrities, most notably, Drew Barrymore. This time, Paulson told Fallon that she’s decided to switch to animal impressions, as she’s less likely to run into them at parties.

Mindy Kaling Was Upset That she Didn’t get an Invite to the Royal Wedding

Also on Fallon, Kaling revealed that she was, well, royally peeved that she didn’t get an invite to Meghan and Harry’s royal wedding. Is she friends with the couple? No, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve an invite. She said that both her and Jimmy should’ve been invited since she saw Priyanka Chopra and James Corden on the guest list. “I feel like we’re sort of synonyms for them, right?” asked Kaling, “We should’ve been there!”

When Sarah Paulson Admitted to Stealing a Velvet Bodysuit

When Rihanna asked Mindy Kaling, Anne Hathaway and Sarah Paulson to if any of them had ever stolen anything, Paulson had quite possibly the best answer ever. The actress told her costars and ET that in high school she stole a snap-crotch velvet bodysuit. “A couple of my friends and I did it together…we all stole a velvet bodysuit.” Am I smelling a possible storyline for Ocean’s 9?

When Mindy Kaling Made Fun of a Sexist Reporter

On Late Night with Seth Meyers told, Kaling Seth a story about a reporter who was utterly baffled by her role as a jeweller in the film. “I was doing press with Anne Hathaway and Sarah Paulson,” said Kaling, “Annie in the movie plays an actress and Sarah Paulson, she’s a party player in it. And then with me he was like ‘Mindy, you play a jeweller. You’re not married and have never been engaged, so how do you know about diamonds?’” Kaling then went on to dramatically reenact the reporters confusion and seemed to have a good sense of humour about it (duh).”He’s like ‘how you, a famous spinster, you’ve never been anywhere near a diamond before!’ As though if you’re not married and engaged you’ve never seen a diamond.” She also revealed that the whole cast still keeps in touch via a secret group chat, and that her and Sarah Paulson chose some pretty *interesting* usernames.

When Sandra Bullock Got Everyone Cream Puffs and Milkshakes (Again). 

Sandra Bullock continues to satisfy her castmates’ sweet tooth with cream puffs and milkshakes. Anne Hathaway snapped a pic of her enjoying a plate of creampuffs, while Awkwafina posted her, Sandra and Cate enjoying the same treat the Mindy, Sarah and Anne had earlier this week. As per Awkwafina’s caption, I can now confirm that these are frozen hot chocolates and not milkshakes (side note: what’s the difference?).

When Anne Hathaway Gave Sarah Paulson a Leg Rub

Best press day ever? Indeed. Thank you @annehathaway you’re a true friend. @oceans8movie #oceans8

A post shared by Sarah Paulson (@mssarahcatharinepaulson) on

In between interviews, Anne decided to help her friend Sarah out by giving her a relaxing leg massage. Between the pastries, sweet drinks and massages, this press tour is starting to look more like a holiday!

When Anne Hathaway Gave us the Dirt on her Castmates

In an interview with Glamour Magazine, Anne Hathaway gave us an inside scoop on the cast by giving them all high school superlatives. Hathaway confirmed my speculation that Mindy Kaling is the best texter and GIF Queen. She also said that the she almost always has Rihanna songs stuck in her head and that the cast bonded over drinking tequila (is that why the characters wear oversized shades?!?)


The post The Best Moments From the <em>Ocean’s 8</em> Press Tour appeared first on FASHION Magazine.