The Final Exit: Linsay

Photography by Gabor Jurina
Photography by Gabor Jurina

Linsay Willier came in a close second to winner Meaghan Waller after both emerged with some serious strutting in the competition’s final fashion show.

Which part of this experience was the most fun? Which was the most stressful?
“The most fun – the travelling was the most fun! Going to The Bahamas and New York were amazing experiences.
“The most stressful – never knowing what the judges were going to say, not knowing how to read them and not knowing who was going home.”

Anything you wish you could do over?
“I would have changed how I was for the first half of the competition; I would have believed in myself as much as I did in the second half.”

Do you think it was your turn to go? If not, who should have gone?
“I can’t say I ever thought it was my turn to go. It’s not that anyone else should have gone, but I believed strongly that I should have stayed.”

Are you still planning to pursue a career in modeling?
“If the right opportunity presents itself, I’m definitely open!”

The post The Final Exit: Linsay appeared first on FASHION Magazine.