The Final Exit: Rebeccah

Photography by John van der Schilden
Photography by John van der Schilden

With the judges feeling she was more suited to the stage than the runway, Rebeccah packed her bags this week.

Which part of this experience was the most fun? Which was the most stressful?
“The most fun part of the experience was the makeover episode. They gave me an awesome haircut. I still need to figure out how to do the cowlick and I’ve got to cut off about an inch and dye my roots again but I love it. It suits me a lot better than what I had before. And also, going to The Bahamas, that was awesome.“The most stressful was going to fashion week. I mean it was fun, it was an awesome party but just in the back of my head I was always worrying that people would see that I was not there 100 per cent and they might see me as a phony because I knew practically nothing about the fashion industry.”

Anything you wish you could do over?
“I wish I could’ve tried to breathe a little more and not let things get to me like they did. I think that’s why I was eliminated, because I let it all get to me and I almost gave up on myself. I found out that this wasn’t exactly for me but I still wished I could’ve gotten further.”

Do you think it was your turn to go? If not, who should have gone?
“I do think it was my turn to go home. Everyone else, they really need to be here”

Are you still planning to pursue a career in modeling?
“I might but maybe not. I don’t know. I like modeling. The runway was fun. It’s all very theatrical and it’s all a lot of performance, which I like to do but I don’t think I’d pursue it as an actual career.”

The post The Final Exit: Rebeccah appeared first on FASHION Magazine.