The Internet Thinks Jennifer Aniston Cares About the Brangelina Divorce

Okay look, we know it’s petty to even bring Jennifer Aniston up right now. Brangelina are getting a divorce and that’s awful. And we know Jen is way, way over Brad Pitt and is happily married. But Twitter is seriously on fire right now with hilarious memes about Jen’s possible reactions to the news, and we can’t help but take a peek. Indulge us in this guilty pleasure, won’t you?

Take a look at the funniest tweets about Jennifer Aniston right now. We dare you not to laugh. And then go back to living your unbothered life, like we’re sure Jen is doing.

And most importantly…

The post The Internet Thinks Jennifer Aniston Cares About the Brangelina Divorce appeared first on FASHION Magazine.