The Most Meme-Worthy Moments From Last Night’s Oscars

Ahhhhh memes. They are the lifeblood of the millennial generation. When it comes to perfectly captured photos paired with endless quick-witted captions, last night’s Oscars did not disappoint. Here’s a round up of the most meme-worthy moments from from the 2017 Academy Awards:

The Best Picture Plot Twist

ICYMI: a major blooper occurred in the final moments of a (very) long evening of awards. La La Land was announced as best picture, until everyone realized there was a mistake and Moonlight should have been hailed winner. In all its savage glory, the Twitterverse began dreaming up other winner mishaps.

Nicole Kidman Clapping

In perhaps the most confusing moment of the night, A-List celeb and best supporting actress nominee Nicole Kidman was caught clapping on camera. Plot twist? Kidman apparently doesn’t know how to clap.

Ryan Gosling Whispering

The ultimate “Hey Girl…” moment happened when Ryan Gosling embraced stunned tourist Vicky from Chicago, fiancé of the now-famous Gary from Chicago.

Jackie Chan’s Pandas

Jackie Chan—who received a Lifetime Achievement Oscar from The Academy of Arts and Sciences—walked the red carpet with two plush pandas wearing silver Ugg boots. The unconventional date choice had people asking questions, to which Chan replied: “I feel a connection with them. I have already adopted two real pandas. Also I am in Kung Fu Panda!”

Chrissy Teigen Sleeping

It turns out we weren’t the only ones drifting off through Casey Affleck‘s acceptance speech. We can always count on Chrissy Teigen to leave a lasting mark on awards season (cc: 2015’s ugly cry meme).

Teigen’s response?

The post The Most Meme-Worthy Moments From Last Night’s Oscars appeared first on FASHION Magazine.