The official Prince George christening photos will warm your heart and make you love Kate even more

Kate Middleton Prince George christening official
Photography by Jason Bell/Camera Press

See all the official Prince George christening photos »

When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge released the official christening photos for Prince George last week, his animated smile and little waving hands seemed to be saying something. Our baby body language skills being what they are, we’re going with something between “Heeeeeeeyyyyy!” and “Aren’t my parents the coolest?” Because really, both messages are there: the photos, taken by Jason Bell, are beyond friendly and demonstrate just how different the royal world of Will and Kate is compared to the monarchs-in-waiting of past.

The four photos all keep Prince George front and centre, whether he’s flanked by an adoring Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles or surrounded by the Middleton clan. (As for what Kate’s wearing, we have all outfit details here.) And if a smiling, waving Prince George wasn’t enough to brighten your weekend, on Sunday another photo was released, with the little one gazing into Kate’s eyes, smiles abound. Honestly, we encourage you to flip through all the Prince George christening photos any time you’re feeling down, they really do the trick.

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