The Oscars: The best (and worst) of the red carpet

It wasn’t the most thrilling red carpet at last night’s Academy Awards–pastels and neutrals are lovely, but not that exciting when they parade en masse on TV. There were some high points–Sandra Bullock in Marchesa, Meryl Streep in an elegant white jersey Chris March dress and Maggie Gyllenhaal in fresh-off-the-runway Dries. Vera Farmiga’s uber-ruffled Marchesa split the pundits, but everyone pretty much agrees that Charlize’s “Cinnabon” dress was a no.

Click the images below for some of our favourites (and a few notable missteps). Who’s on your best (and worst) list from last night? Tell us in the comments!

The post The Oscars: The best (and worst) of the red carpet appeared first on FASHION Magazine.