The top 10 strangest celebrity creative directors

Marc Jacobs Creative Director Diet Coke

Gone are the days when celebrities and designers were just, well, celebrities and designers. Now with every celebrity endorsement comes with a prestigious title—one that we’re used to being associated with helming a major fashion house—the creative director.

While we can’t be too certain what part of the process these celebrity endorsements play other than lending their face or fame to the product, it has become increasingly common for musicians, actors, and designers to add a creative director title to their CVs (aka their Wikipedia pages). With the recent news of Alicia Keys becoming the Global Creative Director of Blackberry, and today’s announcement of Marc Jacobs as the newest creative director of Diet Coke—succeeding Jean Paul Gaultier—we’ve decided to take a look back at some of the weirdest and flat out funniest creative directors to date.

See our list of top 10 strange celebrity creative directors »

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