The Viral Videos You Need to Watch

We know you’re too busy to even take a pee break, but nothing relieves a little work stress like watching trending videos. Check out what everyone on the internet is talking about:

Lady Gaga Speaks at Final Hillary Clinton Rally

Watch Lady Gaga’s speech about why Americans should vote for Hillary. It’s a bit bizarre, in true Gaga fashion, but she sends a poignant message to be sure (stay tuned for the whole vid as it becomes available). And while many people were confused and even upset by her outfit, which has obvious similarities to Nazi uniforms, the outfit was actually Michael Jackson’s and the one he wore to the White House in 1990. (Lady Gaga owns many of his pieces.)

NBA Player Steph Curry and his Culinary Expert Wife Ayesha Staged the Best #MannequinChallenge on Instagram

What’s that, you ask? It’s basically like a game of freeze. The only sign of movement among restaurant guests was alcohol undulating in shot glasses—not too shabby. The Instagram vid has gotten more than a million views and was taken when Ayesha took over the Chef Michael Mina kitchen for a pop-up dinner service. Nailed it.

A Snake Comes out to Play During a Flight, Causing an Emergency Landing

Passengers on an Aeromexico flight had an unpleasant surprise when the slithery creature dangled from the overhead bins. If you’re petrified of snakes, don’t watch this.

The post The Viral Videos You Need to Watch appeared first on FASHION Magazine.