There’s Now an Airline Specifically for Millennials

Earlier this week, Air France announced that it is launching Joon, a new airline “especially aimed at a young working clientele, the millennials.”

Finally (*cue collective sigh*). We youths have been waiting a long time for air travel to address our specific needs as 18-35 year olds. But what exactly does a millennial-branded airline entail? Will the meal service include avocado toast and turmeric lattes ? Will passenger windows be equipped with photo-friendly filter options? Will the inflight safety pamphlet communicate in emoji? A girl can only dream.

“This new brand has been entirely designed to meet their requirements and aspirations,” the airline’s press release states. As millennials, our lives “revolve around digital technology” and, according to Air France, all we really want from life is to be “authentic” and “connected.” NAILED IT! (Just in case you thought “millennial-friendly” also meant “affordable,” Air France has clarified: “Joon will not be a low-cost airline.”)

Further details about the new carrier are scant, save for the slew of millennial marketing buzzwords. Here’s what we do know: Joon’s “visual identity is based on an electric blue colour code symbolizing the airline’s dynamic attitude, as well as the sky, space and travel.” We also know what the airline’s flight attendants will wear uniforms “inspired by the new fashion codes, basic and chic.” Basic and chic? Sorry, Air France, but in millennial jargon that’s kind of a paradox. But hey, at least you’re trying.

Most importantly, you must understand that Joon isn’t a means of transportation; “Joon is a lifestyle brand and a state of mind.” Because as we all know, millennial isn’t an age demographic; millennial a lifestyle and a state of mind. Amiright?

Joon will begin operating medium-haul flights from Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport this fall, followed by long-haul flights next summer. In the meantime, Joon invites you to view this dynamically illustrated information video. (We aren’t exactly sure what it has to do with the air travel or millennials, but that French pop song sure is catchy!)

The post There’s Now an Airline Specifically for Millennials appeared first on FASHION Magazine.