There’s something funny about Lana Del Rey’s new video for “Burning Desire”
File this under things that make you hmm. For anyone who gets Lana Del Rey (or at least thinks they do, like me), you’d know that her appeal couldn’t be separated from her very slickly designed persona. She’s far from an earnest street busker, to say the least. And while we’re usually so okay with her straddling the lines of art and consumerism, her latest video has us raising eyebrows. The video has all the usual hallmarks of Lana Del Rey: sultry singing, soft lighting, long nails, Old Hollywood posturing…it also has a lot of Jaguar car shots. Oh wait, the video is for Jaguar. While the partnership seems fairly straightforward from report accounts, we feel a little bit like the wool’s been pulled over our eyes given that it hasn’t been promoted as a commercial either.
What do you think?
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