These Internet Trolls are Not Happy about Nike’s New Plus-Size Range

Last week Nike finally unveiled its new line of body-diverse athletic gear. The performance-based line, which includes over 85 pieces of functional and fashionable gear, ranges in sizes from 1X to 3X and includes bras up to a size 38E. Cue women around the world rejoicing that a major apparel line finally got the memo that strong and fit women come in all shapes and sizes.

But not everyone had the same positive reaction. Instead of praising Nike for taking this long-overdue step, many people felt that the new range of sizes, as well as the campaign photos, promotes an unhealthy lifestyle.

Mmhhhmmmm. After the Daily Mail posted its article to Facebook reporting on the new Nike line, hundreds of nasty comments flooded in, shaming them for promoting obesity. In fact, posts got so bad that the media outlet actually suspended the comment section.

Except the trolls’ “unhealthy” argument makes no sense. The flawed logic was quickly pointed out by Twitter’s (and my personal) new hero:

And basically everyone agrees:

But that’s not the only reason that their argument is flawed. It’s also missing the fact that many people deemed “overweight” or who wear “plus sizes” are fit and work out regularly. Take Ashley Graham, for example. Anyone who follows the size-16 stunner on social media knows that she works out on the regs—and her fitness routines are badass. No, your size does not define your fitness.

The best part is that Nike is listening and motivated to dispel this inaccurate stereotype. In a statement about the motivation behind the new line, Nike’s vice-president of women’s training apparel, Helen Boucher, explains, “The motivation in young girls today is to be strong. And while strong looks different for everybody, what’s consistent in athletes today is that fitness is very much a part of her lifestyle…Our motivation is to ensure she has the solutions to achieve her full potential as an athlete.” Nike for the win. Now, who’s next?

The post These Internet Trolls are Not Happy about Nike’s New Plus-Size Range appeared first on FASHION Magazine.