They said/We said: Andrej Pejic models for a Dutch lingerie label and causes controversy, though it may not be what you think

Andrej Pejic for Hema

Androgynous model Andrej Pejic has popped up as a bride on Jean Paul Gaultier’s Spring 2012 runway as well as the runways at LG Fashion Week—including the Pink Tartan show—and he’s even met the Queen. Now, he has a new gig modeling lingerie for Dutch chain retailer Hema. In the ads, Pejic models a double-pushup bra that promises to increase your bust by two-cup sizes. Seeing how feminine Pejic looks, even though he’s one of the most flat-chested models in the business since he’s naturally sans cleavage, the bra must be amazing, right?

Even though Pejic proves he can pull off both menswear and womenswear jobs, the ads don’t come without controversy. Apparently some people in the Netherlands are concerned that once they realize Pejic isn’t female, the ads will give the wrong message to girls about the need to be skinny. Pejic isn’t any skinnier than many female models, so would women compare themselves to a male model more than to a female model? Whether or not this is the case, Pejic’s ad is sure to stand out in a sea of lingerie ads that look too oversexed and too similar.


Joseph Tenni, Andrej Pejic’s agent: “It’s revolutionary. I’ve never known a man to do a women’s lingerie campaign before.” [Frockwriter]

The Cut: “But is it more problematic for girls with body-image issues to see a male body in ads for women’s lingerie, or on a fake one entirely? And why are these even viable options when, gosh, there are a lot of women out there with undies-campaign-worthy physiques?” [NY Mag]

Refinery29: “It’s not that Andrej doesn’t look amazing in the bra from Dutch brand Hema (let’s get real, he looks great in everything), it’s just that it seems a bit gimmicky to use his gender-bending aesthetic to hawk gender-specific products.” [Refinery29]


Rani Sheen, features editor: “It’s a smart marketing move to show the powers of a super-wonder-fantasy pushup bra on Andrej Pejic—it has ensured this lingerie ad doesn’t get lost in a sea of similar stuff. And it definitely demonstrates the power of a good silicone cutlet. He’s no skinnier than most underwear models (cleavage aside), and it’s hard to imagine women will compare themselves to him directly in the same way.”

The post They said/We said: Andrej Pejic models for a Dutch lingerie label and causes controversy, though it may not be what you think appeared first on FASHION Magazine.