They said/We said: Industry fans react to the end of Fashion Television

Say it isn’t so! As we reported yesterday, the fashion world was hit with a major disappointment with the announcement that after 27 fabulous years on air, Fashion Television has stopped production. This end of an era certainly had us thinking “what happened?!” While FT had always been known for bringing insider access to the masses, it seems that the industry invasion of bloggers and runway live streaming has resulted in poor ratings as of late.

While Fashion Television certainly blazed the trail for leading fashion news and introduced many of us to the industry while giving us rare insights into the surreal worlds of Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Karl Lagerfeld and the like, the show has suffered a viewership plunge in its last years. Scarce one-on-one interviews are a things of the past with greater access to designers (most fashion houses produce their own branded media content).

What does this all mean? The Globe and Mail writes “spending tens of thousands of dollars on travel is no longer considered a smart investment when access to designers and tastemakers […]”

The world may have changed since FT first aired in 1985, and the show’s end may seem inevitable, but we’re certainly going to miss seeing Beker’s trademark quirky charm and can’t wait to see what she what future endeavor she has up her stylish sleeve. And according to Bell Media, we do not have too long to wait: “Bell Media remains committed to the fashion genre & will continue to grow FTC to deliver a broader appeal for viewers & advertisers. Jeanne Beker remains with Bell Media & we look forward to new projects with her.

THEY SAID via Twitter:

Calla Haynes: “End of an era: Fashion Television no more. Thank you @Jeanne_Beker for my fashion education + helping form me into the designer I am today” [Twitter]

Dan Levy:Fashion Television and @Jeanne_Beker made me believe in the magic of fashion. Thanks for an amazing 27 year education.” [Twitter]

Jay Manuel: “Say it isn’t so! Fashion Television has been cancelled! I grew up learning the world of fashion from Ms. @jeanne_beker. It’s a sad day! [Twitter]

Jeremy Laing: “Sad to see the FT era end, but then fashion is not what it was. Good luck with the new!” [Twitter]

Nicholas Mellamphy: LOVE @Jeanne_Beker. Thru FT she introduced us to so many dreamers and geniuses of fashion. Inspiring many Ideas and Dreams along the way. [Twitter]

WE SAID via Twitter:

Bernadette Morra, editor-in-chief: “Can u feel the entire fashion community reel? To fashion lovers this is like cancelling Hockey Night in Canada” [Twitter]

The post They said/We said: Industry fans react to the end of Fashion Television appeared first on FASHION Magazine.