They said/We said: Jessica Simpson continues her retail domination with a forthcoming maternity line

As the age-old saying goes, first comes baby, then comes… maternity line? Reality TV star and fashion mogul Jessica Simpson is set to cash in on the recent birth of daughter Maxwell Drew, born just two weeks ago, with the launch of the aptly named Jessica Simpson Maternity Line.

The namesake maternity line marks the 24th product classification of Simpson’s nearly $1 billion empire. (The Jessica Simpson Collection already sells everything from shoes to lotion to sunglasses.) Altogether, it’s been a pretty profitable pregnancy: there’s her much-talked-about $3 million deal with Weight Watchers, and the first baby pictures of Maxwell were just sold to People magazine for $800,000.

“The point of launching a maternity line, for me, is to do something different,” Simpson told US Weekly in an interview when she was still pregnant. “I’m not buying any maternity clothes. I’m wearing all clothes that come in bigger sizes. I really want to make a maternity line that’s comfortable, but really stylish for people, because I believe that we all deserve to feel good and look good.”

The collection definitely shows off the style Simpson wore over the past nine months—chunky knits, animal prints and flowing, floral patterns—and its mass availability and low price point means this will likely be another retail success for the new mother.


MTV Style: “It’s true: @JessicaSimpson continues (fashion) world domination by launching a maternity line!” [Twitter]

Ed Krell, CEO of Destination Maternity: “The Jessica Simpson Maternity line is a natural partnership between one of the most important style icons for young women around the world and the leader in maternity apparel.” [Destination Maternity]

Wonder Wall MSN: “Noticeably absent from the line: sky-high heels like the ones that Simpson said she probably would give birth in when she went into labor.” [WonderWall MSN]


Rani Sheen, copy and health editor: “Jessica Simpson can really lay claim to knowing what it feels like to dress your pregnant body—and be endlessly scrutinized for it. So she doesn’t seem like a terrible choice of person to look to for style help while baking a bun. That cerise button-up tunic is pretty cute, baby bump or no.”

The post They said/We said: Jessica Simpson continues her retail domination with a forthcoming maternity line appeared first on FASHION Magazine.