They said/We said: Katy Perry’s AMA look turns her into a walking billboard for the Chinese Communist party

Katy Perry in Vivienne Westwood at the American Music Awards
Photo by Steve Granitz//WireImage

Katy Perry stood out on the American Music Awards red carpet on Sunday for her bright makeup and matching pink hair adorned with crystals. Now she’s also getting attention for the four prominent Chinese characters on her floral Vivienne Westwood SS12 dress. The characters, when translated into English, say “green economy,” which is a phrase that’s often ridiculed by the Chinese public as an example of the Soviet-style ideological euphemisms that are in their political leaders’ speeches.

Westwood’s SS12 collection was inspired by China’s traditional wisdom, and Chinese official Wang Xijia wrote the phrase and her name, both of which she used on the dress. Whether or not Westwood intentionally chose these particular characters for Xijia to write, commenters on Chinese message boards are revelling in the irony of the former punk designer become a vehicle for political propaganda.


Telegraph UK: “They read: “Lu Se Jing Ji”, or “Green Economy”, a phrase that China’s leaders love to trot out but one which is roundly mocked as hollow jargon by ordinary Chinese, who are all too aware of the choking pollution around them.” [Telegraph UK]

Want China Times: “Although westerners may simply have appreciated Perry’s oriental stylings, internet users in China had a field day on Sina Weibo and instant messaging service QQ discussing and criticising her choice of evening wear.” [Want China Times]


Michael White, managing editor: “Whether or not I always care for her work, I believe Westwood involves thoughtfulness in everything she makes. What makes this collision of Chinese political rhetoric and California celebrity culture especially funny is the idea that Katy Perry, lying in Russell Brand’s arms the night before the AMAs, pulled him closer and tenderly whispered, ‘Baby, I’m gonna bring the message of Asian socioeconomic altruism to all the kids out there, because I love my fans.’ Cue ‘Fireworks’ as they engage in a pre-coital kiss.”

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