They said/We said: Madonna’s being sued for use of the phrase “Material Girl.” The horror!

By Bianca Teixeira

When Madonna frolicked about in a hot-pink dress singing about being a “Material Girl” back in 1985, we doubt she imagined being sued for ownership of the phrase 26 years later.

L.A. Triumph, a brand that has been selling their own line of junior girls’ clothing under the name since 1997, is taking the singer to court, claiming that her use of the phrase in reference to her Material Girl collection creates confusion for buyers.

The label is demanding that Madonna’s line—for which Kelly Osbourne is the face—turn over all profits made since its launch last summer. Both sides will see the inside of a courtroom in mid-October. A judge has already denied the request by the superstar to have the case thrown out, with Madonna’s reps insisting that she is the “senior user” of the phrase.

Will the real Material Girl please stand up?


Fashionista: “This begs the question: if Madonna loses, what other Madonna song should she change the name to?” [Fashionista]

“Didn’t Madonna coin the term “Material Girl”? Just sayin.” [StyleList]


Bernadette Morra, editor: “The added controversy will only make Madonna’s TIFF appearance all the more exciting.”

The post They said/We said: Madonna’s being sued for use of the phrase “Material Girl.” The horror! appeared first on FASHION Magazine.