They said/We said: Starlets to harlots! Karl Lagerfeld shoots the look book for a former escort’s lingerie collection

From starlets to harlots! Karl Lagerfeld’s latest project with alleged former French escort Zahia Dehar is likely to cause quite a stir. Lagerfeld has taken it upon himself to shoot a look book for the upcoming lingerie line of the scandal-ridden “designer.”

For those unfamiliar with Dehar, designing lingerie is not her only love—she also seems to have a thing for French football players. She was the source of much uproar in Europe back in 2010, when it was discovered that she was involved with three prominent footie players for the nonchalant rate of £2,000 per night. (Oh, and she was also underage at the time.) Sacrebleu!

The now 19-year-old curvaceous blonde has since landed the covers of many magazines, including Vanity Fair Italy and V Spain. In an interview with V Magazine, she addressed rumours of her collection: “It’s still a bit too early for me to talk about my plans. Let’s just say that what I’ve been imagining for years is coming to life.” Optimistic, yes—but we’re pretty sure she couldn’t have ever imagined Lagerfeld himself shooting her look book!

For those of you picturing Julia Roberts’ thigh highs and cut-out number in Pretty Woman, you won’t find them in Dehar’s lingerie line. It will be strictly couture, including collabs with bigshots like François Tamarin, Bruno Legeron, and Jean-Pierre Ollier. So, will we see her style on the Chanel runways soon? Highly doubt it. Lagerfeld made it clear that he has “nothing to do with her collection.”

Dehar’s collection is scheduled to debut January 25 during couture week in Paris—and everyone will have a chance to get their hands on the look book, which will be handed out at the show. We’re predicting a sea of raised eyebrows.


Fashionista: “Couture week just got a lot more interesting.” [Fashionista]

Jezebel: “… she has enjoyed her notoriety by posing for magazines and giving vague interviews about her future plans. Think of her as one of those folks whose inexplicable fame is its own source of discomfiting fascination: the French Snooki Courtney Stodden. Also, think of her anytime someone tries to tell you French culture is all so highbrow.” [Jezebel]


Jordan Porter, fashion market editor: “From call girl to Karl’s girl, I can’t wait to see how this story plays out during couture week.”

The post They said/We said: Starlets to harlots! Karl Lagerfeld shoots the look book for a former escort’s lingerie collection appeared first on FASHION Magazine.