They said/We said: Want to look like Kim on your big day? Vera Wang’s does Kardashian gowns for David’s Bridal

Our curiosities were uh, piqued last month when we saw the sneak peek of the Kim Kardashian­–inspired wedding gowns Vera Wang designed for budget bridal company David’s Bridal. In a move that brings multi-million dollar bridal fashion to the masses, Wang re-designed the three dresses she made for Kardashian’s wedding in September, and they’ll be sold for a mere fraction of the cost of the originals.

While dressing to look like someone else on our wedding day certainly isn’t our cup of tea, we can just imagine the bride wars that will ensue over these dresses. At $1,600 a pop (on the affordable end of the wedding dress scale), they’re sure to go like hotcakes. More money to spend on things like… a black and white lacquer–decorated reception, or custom Juicy Couture track suits to change into afterwards?

The dresses are part of Wang’s White collection for David’s, and will be available online soon.


Stylecaster: “At first I was a little skeptical about this, and surprised that Kim would want hoards of people across America strutting down the aisle in a version of what she wore—but then I realized what a nice gesture it was. Sure, some consider reality stars to be the downfall of society, but many absolutely idolize them. Props to Kim and Vera for bringing this iconic gown to the masses—and I actually think they are cute dresses.” [Stylecaster]

Fashionista: “Wang told the show’s reporters that while the gowns won’t be exact replicas of the ones Kim sported down the aisle, they ‘will certainly capture that sense of old-fashioned romance’ the originals conveyed.” [Fashionista]

E! online: “You are cordially invited to…copy Kim Kardashian‘s bridal looks.” [E! online]


Randi Bergman, online editor: “I can’t imagine wanting to look like Kim, even if I could afford the bazillion dollar price tag, let alone a bottom basement one.”

The post They said/We said: Want to look like Kim on your big day? Vera Wang’s does Kardashian gowns for David’s Bridal appeared first on FASHION Magazine.