This Acupuncturist Is Using an Ancient Practice for Modern Beauty Benefits

(Photo: Zigga Zagga Studio)
(Photo: Zigga Zagga Studio)

Name: Amrit Singh

Job title: Registered acupuncturist and founder of 6BabeBeauty

Age: 36

From: Winnipeg

Currently lives in: Toronto

Education: BBA and Diploma of acupuncture, Institute of Traditional Medicine

First job out of school: Artist relations and special projects at Paquin Entertainment

When you think of acupuncture, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t likely to be glowing skin, but that’s something Amrit Singh is working to change. The registered acupuncturist is revolutionizing the way we consider this 3,000-year-old traditional Chinese medicine practice by using it to treat women’s health issues, including fertility, stress, digestion and, yes, skin. Her cosmetic acupuncture sessions are highly sought after for their collagen-stimulating, glow-boosting results sans Botox or fillers. “Women have that pressure to do it all and look even better than ever while doing it all,” she says, explaining that cosmetic acupuncture bridges the gap between doing nothing and getting injections, a course of treatment that isn’t for everyone.

Aside from a slew of tiny needles, one of the go-to items in Singh’s toolbox is Instagram. She uses the platform to give acupuncture a fresh, contemporary image and start conversations about taboo topics in women’s health. Recently, that was through a story she posted about managing ulcerative colitis—an inflammatory disease she was diagnosed with 12 years ago—with diet, acupuncture, herbs and a colonoscopy. “A lot of women are going through health concerns, testing, IVF transfers et cetera, and all do it in silence. We’re supposed to be perfect picture all the time,” she explains of her decision to get personal about her own health on the ’gram. And it’s clear from the response that these conversations are worth having. “People value this information, and it makes me want to be more real.”

But she wasn’t always this candid—or confident. When she started her career in acupuncture, Singh was dealing with her own health issues, including stubborn acne, that she struggled to reconcile with her calling to acupuncture. “I felt that I had to always be a vision and this beacon of perfect health and I didn’t think that I could be a great acupuncturist until I was completely sorted out with all my health problems,” she says. “There were a lot of expectations that I put on myself about what I thought a health practitioner should look and be like, and that held me back in the beginning of my career. It was embarrassing to me to be an acupuncturist and have acne.”

Eventually, she realized that sharing her own struggles with other women had the power to change attitudes. “If I’m posting about my life, then maybe people will look at acupuncture as a regular thing.”

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