TIFF 2014: Keira Knightley braves the elements on the Laggies red carpet

TIFF 2014 Laggies red carpet
Photography by Gio Ciampini

See all the Laggies red carpet pics »

Mother Nature was not kind to the stars on the Laggies red carpet yesterday. Keira Knightley, Sam Rockwell and the film’s director Lynn Shelton braved the rain and wind, and somehow still looked great while doing it. We overheard Knightley whispering that she was trying to channel Beyonce and not let the weather affect her (an excellent approach, if we do say so ourselves). The actress was in surprisingly high spirits, considering the downpour, joking that the tent was about to collapse and then continuing to pose for photographers like a pro.

Knightley’s had a busy week, hitting the red carpet and after party the previous day for her film The Imitation Game. At last night’s TIFF 2014 premiere, she skipped the Chanel (hardly ever happens!) and chose a gorgeous navy embroidered Michael van der Ham dress and bright red lips. Check out all the photos of Knightley, Rockwell and Shelton hitting what just might be the windiest red carpet ever.

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