TIFF news: the InStyle party, Ed Norton snubs the cameras and stars remember Swayze

FMtiff09informant31Matt Damon, Amanda Seyfried, and Colin Farrell were shot by InStyle at the Windsor Arms for the November issue. The magazine’s party at the hotel later that night drew Clive Owen, Robin Wright, Keanu Reeves and Fergie (the royal, not the singer). [WWD] [@mbilodeau]

Ed Norton was none too pleased to see the media at the Cheval after party for his film Leaves of Grass. Norton didn’t walk the red carpet or give the cameras a shot, sneaking into the party inconspicuously. [Toronto Life]
Colin Farrell and Bono teamed up to throw a very private cocktail party (read: no media, save for a lone Star reporter) at Atelia last night. Very sneaky, boys. [Toronto Life]

The celebs at TIFF have been sharing their memories of the late Patrick Swayze. Keanu Reeves recalled how Swayze fearlessly jumped from planes during the filming of Point Break while Drew Barrymore referred to him as “the nicest man that one could ever meet.” Rob Lowe also said that, “Patrick lived a thousand lifetimes in one life. He played my brother twice and so I feel like I lost a brother.” [Toronto Star]

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