TIFF News: Tom Ford doesn’t want to talk about fashion, Lisa Kudrow likes being bad, and more

Colin Firth and Tom Ford at the press conference for A Single Man. Photography by Karon Liu via torontolife.com
Colin Firth and Tom Ford at the press conference for A Single Man. Photography by Karon Liu via torontolife.com

Tom Ford’s A Single Man [watch the trailer] was picked up by the Weinstein company early Tuesday, shortly after the film’s premiere. An all-night negotiation led to the purchase, with Alliance picking up the Canadian release of the picture. Ford spoke up on the differences between film and fashion, and bristled at questions focused only on the latter. “Fashion is a commercially creative outlet, whereas film is purely impressionistic,” he said. The former Gucci designer went on to say that the film’s costumes were “to serve these characters. It wasn’t a costume parade for me.” [Eye Weekly, Toronto Life]

Michael Moore has expressed his frustrations with the lack of progress Americans have made in light of his documentaries. Moore is considering making a film on the deception of the Obama administration, outlining the failings. [Eye Weekly]

Jason Bateman confirmed that an Arrested Development film is in the works, with Michael Cera and Will Arnett signed on. [Toronto Life]

Lisa Kudrow likes playing the bad girl. Love and Other Impossible Pursuits [see our pics from the premiere] features Kudrow as the bitter ex-wife whose hubby has left her for Natalie Portman. At the press conference for the film yesterday, the ex-friend said, she likes to be cast as “the worst human being in the world. It’s fun to play, especially if it’s a comedic horrible woman.” [Globe & Mail]

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