TIFF party pics: Martin Sheen shows us his underwear and Paul Haggis kisses Josh Brolin

Nice pants, President Bartlet. Photography Kira Crugnale

Seeing jokester Paul Haggis kissing Josh Brolin is almost too good to be true. Seeing this the same evening as Martin Sheen showing cameras his underwear just isn’t fair.

The red carpet at the the Artists for Peace and Justice Fundraiser for Haiti event last night at the Toro After Dark space was, without a doubt, the most fun step and repeat in the city. Haggis turned to Brolin to give him a big smoocher on the mouth, which was followed by Brolin exclaiming, “that’s it, my career is OVER!”

This was probably the second best moment of the evening, which was promptly followed by Martin Sheen being encouraged to show us his Ellen Degeneres-gifted briefs–in exchange for a $1,000 donation to Haiti. To his publicist’s utter chagrin (who, for the record, was somewhat like a real life Lloyd from Entourage) he turned around, undid belt, dropped a bit of trou, turned back and showed us those briefs. But it’s for a good cause right?

Hosted by Haggis, James Franco, Maria Bello and AnnaLynne McCord, the event attracted the Dolce & Gabbana purse-toting population who just might have been there a little less to donate to Haiti and a little more to get a glimpse of Franco’s dimples. Case in point: The response was underwhelming when Haggis began to auction off priceless packages–a table for ten at the impossibly exclusive Hollywood Awards Gala ceremony which started and ended at $10,000. Perhaps it would have made sense to wait until the audience was nicely liquored up, no?

Inside, party guests sipped on vodka drinks, but the VIPs disappeared soon after the event began. According one frazzled Toro employee, Martin Sheen left because of a momentary red wine unavailability. I chatted with Natalie Brown about the Hello! party where she had just been, where she mourned the chocolate fountain that was out of bounds for her, due to an impending bikini shoot and a strict water diet. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I headed straight for the candy buffet.
Read all of our TIFF party coverage»

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