TIFF party pics: We talk accessories with actress Emily Hampshire at the RED party

It was a big night for Canada. In one part of town, cliché-spitting Canadiana pirouetted on the ice at the premiere of Score: A Hockey Musical. Meanwhile a little uptown, the regiment of well-heeled Canucks congregated for a quieter–but equally proud–celebration of Canadian imagery for RED, a preview exhibition of twelve images from the New York Times Canadian Photo Archive.

Caitlin Cronenberg, photographer and daughter of film auteur David Cronenberg, made her curatorial debut for the exhibit, which was held at the Toro After Dark space. The daunting task required Cronenberg to look through thousands of archive photographs to select twelve to display. The younger Cronenberg based her decisions on emotional response and the stories they tell. “These photos are news stories and it’s the stories that make them special,” she said.

Sartorially speaking, Cronenberg looked absolutely dashing in a Rick Owens one-shoulder LBD and towering Gucci heels. Her guest list boasted the likes of Natalie Brown (Sophie), Colin Mochrie, Spencer Rice (Spenny of Kenny Vs Spenny, who was surprisingly tame) and of course, proud papa David Cronenberg–a rare occurrence, as he tends to make himself quite invisible at his daughter’s other events.

There was also a chance to chat with Montreal actress Emily Hampshire, who appeared last year in The Trotsky was in town to support Good Neighbours. Turns out, the girl adores Pink Tartan and admits she’s often required a stern talking-out-of making PT red carpet repeats. Still, her sequined black dress was PT, which she sported with a black Jessica Jensen purse that had been gifted to her earlier that day at the Tastemakers Lounge. Asked why she chose the particular bag her eyes grew, “Wouldn’t you pick this one! Look at it!”
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