Trans Awareness Week: 6 people share struggles, successes and hopes for the future

Photography by Gabriele Magdaleno
Photography by Gabriel Magdaleno

The Berlin wall of gender is falling around us, piece by piece, and the world is taking notice. For decades, women’s and LGBTQ rights have been outside our everyday discussion and sidelined to small, isolated circles and special interest groups. The evolution of our whole approach to gender—in the media, society or fashion—is happening right now because brave individuals have chosen to speak out in a way that humanizes their plight.

History tells us that during the early days of the LGBTQ civil rights movement—specifically during 1969’s Stonewall riot in New York City—it was gender noncomformists and transgender people who were at the forefront of championing the change we see now. Today, many trans people continue to lead us into this new evolution and we can learn from many of these everyday activists as they share their true selves and refuse to be sequestered by oppression.

To celebrate Trans Awareness Week and to honour today, the Transgender Day of Remembrance, we’ve spoken to six extraordinary people from the transgender community.

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