Vancouver: Window shopping at Front & Company


If the hasty pedestrians who hurriedly make their way across town lift their heads for an instant, it is usually to glance at the outstanding displays they have come to expect in the windows of Holt Renfrew, the Bay, BCBG MaxAzria and Aritzia. It has become a part of our routine, the curiosity and excitement of being transported, if only momentarily, to some imagined place.

However, if you wish to witness something truly unique, I suggest you travel slightly off the beaten path to the fantastic place that exists behind the window panes at Front & Company (3772 Main St., 604-879-8431, Since opening its doors in 1993, this new and used consignment shop has become an institution of sorts. Over the years, the size of the operation has grown to take over three buildings and their expansive windows now take up the better part of the block between 21st and 22nd avenues. But it’s not only the size of their window displays that impresses, in terms of props and products, they (and you) have the goods of over 5,000 consigners to choose from. Front & Company reopened this past January after a fire engulfed the largest of their stores and with great zeal have continued to surprise and delight appreciative pedestrian audiences with better window displays than ever.

The post Vancouver: Window shopping at Front & Company appeared first on FASHION Magazine.